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Unico Martial Arts Waiver & Release
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Unico Martial Arts Waiver & Release
Class Attending:

To Be  Completed by Student and/or Parent/Guardian - If Under Age 18

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I do hereby agree to participate in the martial arts training at Unico Martial Arts located at 13 E Doris Ave Suite C , Jacksonville NC 28546. The responsible party must read the entire contract before signing. 


I recognize the risks of injury that are common to any martial arts program that my child or I participate in and I do hereby waive and release Unico Martial Arts, Kaiju Jiu-Jitsu, Senso Jiu-Jitsu, and Dirrec Threatt LLC from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, liabilities, expense of judgments, including attorney’s fees and court costs, that arise out of my participation in this program. I hereby execute this Waiver and Release form permitting my minor child and / or myself to participate in the aforementioned company’s program.


By signing below indicates that you have read the Waiver and Release guidelines, terms and conditions, and regulations on this contract and fully understand the contents. This contract will remain on file in the company office unless the terms and conditions change. At that time a new contract will be executed.

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